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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

What would a perfect world be like?

Hello everyone,how are you?

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Yeah,today I will be talking or explaining more about the question"What would a perfect world be like".

In a perfect world there won't be sorrow,aging,death,illness,defects ,also there won't be no struggle in order to survive.

But then imagine a world where Everyone can earn money without working?People would become lazy , they would'nt want to work anymore or use their effort to do something,since they can earn money easily without working.

Or what will the world look like if people are are not dying? The world would just be having too many people in it.(be it bad or good people)

So if you would ask me,what the perfect would would be like,I will say a place whereby those who are poor are given the same right or treated the same way as those who are wealthy.

.A world where we can live our lives to the fullest knowing we will give up the ghost someday,and the people left behind will be aware of the fact that we lived a good life and not a miserable life.

The perfect world would be that place where the rights of the people are not been violated or infringed ,a word whereby everyone would love and care for one another.A word whereby each person go through pains but also gets to enjoy afterwards.

Thanks for stopping by.

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What would a perfect world be like? was published on and last updated on 29 Jul 2021.