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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

3 movies that inspires you.

Good day everyone,

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Today I will be talking about 3 movies that inspires me.

1.The rescue :This is a Chinese movie that talks about a Chinese rescue team who were always called up each time there is a sea accident in the country.These are people who risk their lives to save the lives of other people.


I learnt some things from the movie which was no matter the situation we find ourselves in life we should never lose hope or regard life as been unfair to us.

2.The 3 idiots

This is an Indian movie that talks about 3 young boys whose name were Rancho,Fagan Qureshi,and Raju Rastogi all were considered as the 3 idiots in the movie.It is a film that is based in the educational system of India and how collages or schools put pressure on students to get good grades.

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The movie depicts the lesson that student shouldn't aim at achieving success , he should achieve excellence first then success will automatically come looking for him

3.Gifted hands by Ben Carson This comes in both book and movie series with lessons like no matter how indigent or deprived you might be now ,you can still achieve success in life also Never give up until you get achieve your goals in life.

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Thanks for reading,and have a nice day.

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3 movies that inspires you. was published on and last updated on 20 May 2021.