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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

How to prepare Indomie

Good day everyone

Today I will be showing you guys how to prepare a delicious indomie.


Indomie is a fast meal, easy to prepare and it tastes delicious 😋😋,follow me as I unravel how to prepare it to you.

Ingredients 1.Grounded pepper




3.Fish ,turkey, chicken or egg ,but I will be using only the egg🥚.


4.Onions:I love adding onions to my food because I find it healthy,and so itsn't compulsory for you to also add onions to your indomie

5.Seasoning :This is compulsory, because without this you indomie won't be as delicious as it should be.


In the liquid form,


How to prepare indomie

1.Put water in the pot ,then put your egg inside the water .


Put the pot on fire ,and allow the egg to boil for some time,then add your grounded pepper,use the knives to slice your onions and then add it into the pot,and leave for 3-4 mins.




After doing this,then add your indomie into the pot and allow it to get soft .


After it is soft , add your seasoning into the water containing the indomie and allow the water to dry up with the indomie.This will take atleast 2-3 mins.Then your indomie is ready.

Peel the egg and then add it back to your indomie.




Note: If the water in the pot is dried up and your indomie isn't yet soft,add little water into the pot so as for your indomie not to get burnt.

As you can see it's not hard to prepare it's just take atleast maximum of 8 mins for it to be ready.

Thanks for reading me,and have a nice day

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How to prepare Indomie was published on and last updated on 23 May 2021.