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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

How do you influence faith in Christians (part 3 of 3)

What I learnt from brother Eli's video

The Bible tells us that there is no one on Earth that doesn't sin ,we are bound to commit sins. But we shouldn't commit sins intentionally as to be forgiven by the Lord. We should believe in God's words and have faith in him.

The book of Job chapter 1 vs 1 says that there was a man in the land of Uz,whose the name was Job;and the man was perfect and upwright and one that feared God,and eschewed evil.

This means that Job was referred to as perfect in the Bible because he had the fear of God in him and he stayed away from evil.

The book of Luke chapter 1 vs 6 says There was in the days of Herod,the king of Judea a certain priest named Zachariah,of the course of Abijah ;and his wife was of daughters of Aaron and her name was Elizabeth,and they were both righteous before God,walking in all commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.

The Bible tells us that the parents of John the Baptist were also perfect ,because they followed God's commandment and orders and they find an offence in his words.

There were many people who were regarded as perfect in the Bible one of them is Noah,he never disobeyed God's words ,he followed his orders and walked with him all the days of his life.

The book of Genesis chapter 6 vs 9 says there are generations of Noah,Noah was just a man and perfect in his generations,and Noah walked with God .

Those who where called perfect in the bible ,where not just called perfect just because they do not commit sins, No! they were regarded as been perfect because they follow God's path,they had faith in him,they never disobeyed him , they follow all his commandments and they also stayed away from evil.

For you to be perfect in the eyes of the Lord you need to follow the steps those referred to as perfect In the Bible followed to become perfect in the eyes of the Lord.

Thanks for your kind gesture bible readers,May God continue to bless and guide you.

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How do you influence faith in Christians (part 3 of 3) was published on and last updated on 09 Mar 2021.