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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

A confession

Hello everyone,

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Today's blog post is about my confession.

First of all,what is confession? Confession to my understanding is the acknowledgement of one's sins or wrongs.

My confession is that I have once tried to kill my mum mistakenly.

I became obsessed with my phone,which made me stop sleeping well at night,then there was a night ,I didn't sleep all because I was pressing my phone,My came to my room and she grabbed the phone from me.

I became annoyed because I was playing game ,I didn't no what came over me,I went to pick up an insecticide ,went to my mum's room and I sprayed the insecticide in her eyes.

She became unconscious,and she was breathing very fast,I didn't realize the crime I committed until when she started shivering,I cried and tried to do all I could to help her , she couldn't move for a long time,I prayed to God in tears ,and I was happy she later gained consciousness.

I really felt bad, because if she had lost her live,I would have to suffer for the rest of my life,I wouldn't be able to tell anyone I was the one who killed my mum. It would be a shameful thing for me.

That's my confession.


Thanks for checking my blog,have a nice day ahead.

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A confession was published on and last updated on 03 May 2021.