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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

A difficult time in my life

Hello everyone,

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Today,I will be sharing with you a difficult time in my life. BgxWBRxjvNho1d5owNvLc9kLkZETgqoQLu9zcBbNBbDDEp9W4DbuZJufzDsGKCin2MKVx9ST7Dg4YyPvMDUnPcszdatZ4cHMJgTSM3LprGycXXnHxwyELS5UqbbXYBK6zcm73Lubx4fHHUKhLMoVjEcgqnE56XG4RUkY2KgWtPjjbid.gif

A difficult time in my life ,I would say was the time I began committing crimes at home,like the time I said I sprayed insecticide in my mum's face.

Yeah after the time she grabbed my phone and I sprayed the insecticide in her face ,I woke up the next day, not knowing she had called some police officers to come arrest me, they came to my house ,and they picked me up with their Van.

We got to the police station , I was locked up in the cell , I was baldy beaten my eyes were swollen,and I had bruises on my body,I was also severely bitten by mosquitoes , then my mum came to the station on the 3rd day to pick me up .

It was really a difficult time for me , because I went through so much pains,after leaving the police custody, I had to take some medications and I also isolated myself at home for couple of days. BgxWBRxjvNho1d5owNvLc9kLkZETgqoQLu9zcBbNBbDDEp9W4DbuZJufzDsGKCin2MKVx9ST7Dg4YyPvMDUnPcszdatZ4cHMJgTSM3LprGycXXnHxwyELS5UqbbXYBK6zcm73Lubx4fHHUKhLMoVjEcgqnE56XG4RUkY2KgWtPjjbid.gif

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Yeah,that was a difficult time for me,and I hope you enjoyed reading me.

Thanks for checking my blog.

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A difficult time in my life was published on and last updated on 06 May 2021.