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Apala music in Nigeria

Good day everyone,

Talking about apala music ,it's popular and we'll known music amongst those in the south-west region in Nigeria. This type of music has been in existence for a very long time since the early 90s .It was created as a form cultural rejection of the british Empire's colonial rule in Nigeria which lasted from about 1901 until Nigeria gained it's independence in 1960. Its also know as Akpala.

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The rythms of apala music grew more complex over time,and was influenced by Cuban Music and eventually became quite popular in Nigeria.

Haruna Ishola popularized apala music and made it more popular so he is regarded as the pioneer of apala music .It's mostly popular amongst the Muslims of Yoruba tribe.

The apala musicians make use of Delete,Agidigbo,Agogo( a bell-like instrument) and also talking drum. Apala Music has evolved in a style and sound from one generation to the next.Apapa music is mostly played at Muslim parties ,such as burial ceremonies, weddings ,naming ceremony or installation of a new cleric or a clergyman.

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We have apala musician's such as Terry Apala,Ayinla Omoruwa,Haruna Ishola,Batunde Olatunji e.t.c .These are people who have this genre of music more popular and pleasant to the ears.Apapla might be hard to learn and understand properly by someone who isn't a muslim as it contains mostly Muslim rhymes.

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Apala music in Nigeria was published on and last updated on 30 Sep 2021.