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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Are Christians forbidden from eating hares?(part 3 of 5)

This video is in response to what I learnt from brother Eli's video.

The book of Mark chapter 7 vs 19 says because it enters not into his heart ,but unto his belly,and goes out in the draught,purging all meats?

Our Lord Jesus Christ declared that the food that were forbidden by God to the Israelites,does not pass through the mouth straight to the mouth but rather it passes through the mouth straight to the stomach.

1st Timothy chapter 4 vs 4-5 says for every creature of God is good,and nothing to be refused,If it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer .

Everything God created is good,we should always make sure we pray to God before eating at all times for him to grant his us his blessings on the food before we eat them. As Christians we should follow the law imposed by Our Lord Jesus Christ and not the law of Moses since the new High priest is Jesus.

The book of Hebrews chapter 1 vs 1 says God who at sundry times and In diver manners spoke in time past unto the fathers by the prophet. Chapter 1 vs 2 says hath in these last days ,spoken u to by his son,whom he hath appointed the heir of all things,by whom also made the words.

Before the existence of Christianity ,God speaks to us through his prophets moses,Noah and other prophets in the bible,but since the creation of Christianity God only speaks to us through his son which is our Lord Jesus Christ and not through Moses. When you follow the words of Moses then you are heading towards the wrong path.

Thanks for reading.

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Are Christians forbidden from eating hares?(part 3 of 5) was published on and last updated on 13 Mar 2021.