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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Are Christians forbidden to eat hares?(part 1 of 5)

What I learnt from brother Eli's video

Apostle Paul said in the book of Hebrews chapter 9 vs 10 which says ,we stood only by means and drinks ,and divers washings ,and canal ordinances,imposed on them until the time of reformation.

This means that during the time Moses was the high priest ,there was some laws imposed by him to the Israelites like not eating eat and avoiding divers washings of the body.

Hebrews chapter 7 vs 12 says for the priesthood been changed,there is made of a necessity of the law. This means that since high priest of osreal was changed from Moses to Jesus Christ then the laws of Moses would also be changed . Hebrews chapter 3 vs 1 -3 says wherefore ,holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling,consider the apostle the high priest for our profession, Christ Jesus who was faithful to j that appointed him,as also Moses was faithful in all his house. For this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses,In as much as he who hath builder the house hath more honor than the house.

Thos means that although Moses was faithful to the Lord but he had to be changed from the hight priest because jesus was more wothy of glory than him.

Acts chapter 13 vs 39 says and by him all that believe are justified from all things ,from ye could not be justified by the laws of Moses. This means that the laws of moses was insufficient and so it was replaced by the laws of Jesus Christ.

This means that Christians were not permitted to eat hares according to the law of Moses ,but the new law imposed by God does not stops us from eating hares.

Thanks .May God continue to bless and guide u in all your endeavors

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Are Christians forbidden to eat hares?(part 1 of 5) was published on and last updated on 10 Mar 2021.