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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Are You Living Consciously? What Does Living Consciously Means To You?

Hello hivers,

Today I will be participating in the @abundance.tribe bi-weekly question which says"Are You Living Consciously? What Does Living Consciously Means To You?


You been conscious simply means you are are aware of the things happening or going on around you.Living Consciously means taking control of your life , thinking and making your own decisions rather than making them without thought ,about having a life you want to yourself .

There are steps to living a conscious life.

1.Get to know your true self .

2.Learn to make more conscious decisions for yourself.

3.Learn to be grateful at all times.

4.Try to find out your weakness and work hard to make them become your strength.

How I live life Consciously?

1.I try to always focus and pay attention : Attention do raise consciousness ,distractions lowers or hinders it .When you do not pay attention then how can you be conscious of your life? I try to focus and pay attention at all times and I have also learned to always do one thing a time.

2.Develop the positive attitude and stay optimistic:I am human and I tend to think negatively at times,but most times I try to do things with people that reinforce me in a positive way,and I also try to interact within positive environment with postive people.

3.Know how you spend your time: It may not be easy for you to know when you are not spending your time right,but when you take your time to think of the habits you have formed you would be able to see how often you waste your time. I try to spend my time on reasonable and meaningful things,things that would be of great value to my life and others as well,things that would help in upgrading my mind and help me towards achieving my goals in life.

Thanks for reading.

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Are You Living Consciously? What Does Living Consciously Means To You? was published on and last updated on 16 Sep 2021.