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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Blogging challenge day 17 *What makes you sad"

Hello everyone,

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Yesterday I wrote about the things that makes me happy,so today I will be writing the things that makes me sad.

Actually,I am someone who loves to stay happy,but there are some certain things that makes me sad. The biggest things that makes me sad is me being abused or body shamed by my peers or by people,i suffered body shaming while I was in the secondary school ,I am someone who has a big head lol,and so most times when I do something wrong in the class or in the school my mates , teachers would say"Juwon the big headed boy"and then they will turn me to a laughing stock, to them it's was a joke,but it was something that really made me sad and embarrassed.

Another thing that makes me sad is seeing someone suffering ,I always feel bad when I see someone else's sad ,or see them in pains,most especially if I am not able to lend a hand to the person.

I also feel sad when a person is been molested or raped by the opposite sex,most especially when the person being molested is the one who gets blamed for the crime been committed.


Thanks for reading ,and I pray your days is filled with joy and not sorrow.

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Blogging challenge day 17 *What makes you sad" was published on and last updated on 26 Apr 2021.