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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Blogging challenge day 18 "if I won a lottery"

Good evening hivers,

Today ,I will be talking about the things I will do if I win a lottery.

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Lottery is when you raise some certain amount of money by selling different tickets,or drawing numbers at random for a certain amount of money.

If I won a lottery? actually it depends on the amount of money I am given for winning the lottery,and so let me just say I won a lottery of about 50 million naira.

When I win a lottery,the first and foremost thing is to find a way to deposit the money in my mum's bank account, because I am using a kids a account,am not yet up to 18 years Old

After that,I will give my mum part of the money,, because I believe she deserves more,and also no one can take the place of a mother in a child's life.

After then,I will go to the boutique to get some clothes ,shoes and other things I need .

Then I will send some money to my sister for her to grow her business and so for get a big store for her business,she sells bags ,shoes and wristwatches.

The next thing I will do is to invest some money on cryptocurrencies, because I believe crypto is the future,and I will like my future to be bright.

Then,I will probably get a visa and a international passport and then I will go on a trip with my family to the United States it has actually been my dream country,and I will love to see the Statue of liberty in New York,and the Mount Rushmore.

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Lastly,I will save some money for other stuffs like pay my school fees,and other things I will need when I gain admission into the University,and then I will keep the remaining money for future purpose.


Thanks for reading my post,Have a nice day.

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Blogging challenge day 18 "if I won a lottery" was published on and last updated on 24 Apr 2021.