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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Blogging challenge day 22"3 personality traits you are proud of"

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Good day hivers💞💞,hope you are doing well?Today i will be talking about my 3 personality traits I am proud of.

Follow me as reveal them to you

They are ; 1.Compassion 2.Curiosity 3.Ambition

1.Compassion:I am a kind of person who loves to express sympathy to others,I always love to help people overcome their fears and pains,and I so love to be of help to them ,if I am capable of helping them,I hate seeing people in pain it makes me sad😩,most especially if I can't help them in that kind of situation,i sometimes pray to God to help them solve the problems they have in their lives or rather advise them to join the church of God, because I believe with God everything is possible.

2.Curiosity:I always love to motivate myself to learn new things and skills, without been forced or given instructions to do so,I could remember while I was in the secondary school I wasn't really good at mathematics and Physics ,and so after we have our maths or physics class ,I do try to work on my myself,I also had the intention that no matter how long,or what it takes me , I must be good at those subject ,and if I still don't understand after I practiced on my own ,I would personally meet the teachers of those subjects myself for more explanation,without been told to so,this has really helped in solving my problems,I wasn't still really good but i was better than before ,and as a matter of fact ,I came out with flying colors in both subjects,in WAEC(West African Examination Council).

3Ambition.i am ambitious person,I love to apply hardwork and dedication in achieving success, some people achieve success without going through the stairs ,they do not work hard to achieve success,they go through illegal or illicit means to achieve their goals,but I do not believe that,I believe in whatever you do hardwork pays off.

Those are some of my personality traits,I hope you will also get to know some things about yourself that will make you proud. ,Thanks for checking my post and Have a nice day🤗🤗,May the good Lord bless you.


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Blogging challenge day 22"3 personality traits you are proud of" was published on and last updated on 22 Apr 2021.