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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Blogging challenge day 4-"Your dream Job"

Good day everyone,

I will be talking about "My dream Job"

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My dream Job is to become a Successful Farmer.

I know it's look weird to some people, because most people would say they would like to become a Doctor, an Engineer , a Lawyer ,me choosing to become a farmer has been something I have always dreamt of ,right from when I was in Primary School.

I could remember while I was in the primary school I would buy about 2 or 3 cockerels from the market and I would rear them until they become roosters and then slaughter them during Christmas.

I believe if you want to become something In future ,then you will start practicing it at a young age,as a matter of fact I am breeding some cockerels in my house.



We will we all agree that farmers are really important people ,we need them for a healthy life, without farmers we wouldn't have some food to eat,or have some animals to feed on.

I studied Agricultural science throughout my stay in secondary school, because it deals with my dream Job,and I will also continue with the same course in the University,and I would'nt only want to becomeca farmer but rather a Successful farmer .

In the nearest future I would love to have a big farm ,where I would be planting different varieties of crops ,rearing ruminant animals like Rams and Cows,and also rearing poultry birds like Chickens and Turkeys.


Thanks for reading my post,Have a nice day.

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Blogging challenge day 4-"Your dream Job" was published on and last updated on 20 Apr 2021.