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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Blogging challenge day 8"5 current goals"

Hello hiversπŸ’žπŸ’ž

I will be talking about my 5 current goals I would love to achieve. Follow me as I unravel them to you.

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1.Gaining admission into the University:I graduated from Secondary school last year,but due to the Covid 19 pandemic I haven't been able to gain admission into the University. I have been staying at home all day which is already making me feel bored,but probably before the end of this year I would be gaining admission into a Private University.

2.My second goal is becoming an investor in cryptocurrrency:Eversince I came across cryptocurrency,I have always been having interest in investing on cryptocurrencies, because I believe it's the future ,and I would want to bag some coins and make my future bright.

3.Create a social media site:I will like to build my own social network ,where people from different parts of the world,will be able to interact with one another,and also get to learn more about cryptocurrency and what it entails.

4.My fourth goal is to become a successful farmer :After I finish my studies in the University,I would love to own a big farm ,where I would be planting different varieties of crops,and also rearing animals like Rams, Cows,Turkeys and Chickens.

5.Getting to about 2,000 hive power by the end of this year:When I joined this beautiful ecosystem I never had the idea of the use of hive power,but I do see I get some tokens when people Upvote me,but eversince I know the importance of hive power and I see several people having a large amount of hive power,I will also love to have more hive power to be able to curate both my post,and also help others by curating their post's.


Thanks for reading πŸ’žπŸ’ž.Have a nice day πŸ€—

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Blogging challenge day 8"5 current goals" was published on and last updated on 21 Apr 2021.