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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Blogging challenge part 1 // day 26 *Pet peeves"

Hello hivers 💞💞,

Today I will be talking about my pet peeves.

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First of all ,what is pet peeve? Pet peeve is something that a particular person finds irritating or annoying.

My first pet peeve is interruption. I find it annoying when someone likes to break into interject while another person is talking,this always get under my skin,I believe by doing this you don't have respect for the person who is talking,or you don't care about whatever the person has to say.

My second pet peeve is laziness People who dont want to work or use any effort or energy to do something .Like spending most of their time on unprofitable things and at the end of the day ,they will start wondering where their times goes,or how they spent thier time.

My last pet peeve is that I can't stand seeing people bragging about how much money they have or how attractive they are,this is something that really annoys me.


Those are my pet peeves, Thanks for reading me and Have a nice day.

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Blogging challenge part 1 // day 26 *Pet peeves" was published on and last updated on 29 Apr 2021.