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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Blogging challenge part 1 //day 13 *Where will you be in 5 years"

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Good day everyone💞💞.

Today I will be writing about where I will be in 5 years.

I have got plans about where and what I will be in 5 years time.Follow me as I unravel them to you.

First of all,I am 17 years now and I will be clocking 18 by August this year,and also I will be re-writing my Jamb exam (Joint Admission Matriculation Board) , so probably I will be gaining admission into the University this year.

After then,I would be studying Agriculture in the University for 4 years (2021-2025).I pray I see this through.

Then in 2025,I will be writing my final exams in the University ,and I will also be graduating from the University as an Agriculturist in the same year(with good grade points).

Then in the year 2026 which is 5 years from now ,I will be getting prepared for my service(National Youth Service Corps) ,which is a program set up for Nigerian graduates for the development of the country.


Thanks for reading me.

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Blogging challenge part 1 //day 13 *Where will you be in 5 years" was published on and last updated on 27 Apr 2021.