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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Cinnamon cup coffee contest

I was never used to liking coffee.I just basically take soft drinks but I don't do alcohol.

So yeah,there is this guy from my boarding school"Onyeka" I noticed he always brings Nescafe coffee to school,and sometimes his parents do bring coffee along when they come visit him.

He was always fond of coffee,he takes coffee when he wakes up and at times he takes it before sleeping at night and during exams because he believes it makes him stay awake for him to able to read his books at midnight since he was a lazy boy who doesn't like reading and usually stabs classes.

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And then one day ,I took it upon myself and I walked up to him and asked why he likes taking coffee since I wasn't a fan of it,he answered and he said he was an Sc patient and he always gets tired easily so he normally takes coffee to make him gain some energy and to help improve his physical performance. I felt pity for him due to the fact that he told me he was an Sc patient ,but he also changed my thought about coffee.

After that day,I started meeting him to help me make coffee before breakfast ,and I love the way he makes his own coffee he simply just make use of warm water ,adds small quantity of milk and he adds just maybe 2 cubes of sugar into it.

It was from that moment I fell in love with coffee. I could not stop sniffing the aroma. I felt some type of way from the slightly bitter aftertaste but still I enjoyed it.

Till now,I still take a cup of coffee or tea before or after breakfast just to spice up my day.

This is my entry to the Coffee and Coffee Shop Moments A Posting Contest hosted by @galenkp and @millycf1976. You are invited to participate.

Thanks for checking my blog.

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Cinnamon cup coffee contest was published on and last updated on 30 Sep 2021.