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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Cultural stereotype

Hello Everyone,

Today ,I will be talking about a common stereotype among Nigerians.

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Stereotype is a belief or an expectation that people have about every person or a particular group of people.

Cultural stereotype is when all members of a society are categorized as having the same characteristics .

One of the common stereotype in Nigeria is "Internet fraud"

The stereotype about it is that when you are a man and you own expensive cars, expensive houses or use expensive phones then you are an internet fraudster.

But this is something which isn't true? Although there are some who are into internet fraud in Nigeria but still there are some people who work hard for their money,some work in companies,some are into music ,some are comedians and all that,Then why say because they own expensive houses,or drive expensive cars then they are into internet fraud ,doesn't that sounds weird?at times they even say because you are using expensive phones like Iphone then you are an internet fraudster.

There was a day a man living in my street bought a car and then suddenly some people started gossiping and saying that where did that man get the money he use to buy such an expensive car for himself,one of them said he is probably into internet fraud.Why assume what you are not sure of?You don't know how he got the money to purchase that car,or what he does for a living? Yet you assume he is into internet fraud.This is something that really annoys me.

In conclusion,we should try not to stereotype what we are not sure of,or what we don't have some idea or an idea about.

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Cultural stereotype was published on and last updated on 29 Apr 2021.