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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Culture of my state.

Good day everyone,

This is actually going to be first time posting in this hive cross culture community,and so today I will be talking about the general culture of my state (Ogun state).Ogun state is one of the state in Nigeria and each part has a different way of Life.

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In Nigeria we have major ethnic groups like Yoruba ,Igbo and Hausa. The people from Ogun state speaks Yoruba language.

While in Ogun state we have different tribes Egba ,Ijebus,Remo,Egun tribe.

1.The Egbas are people from the central part of Ogun state (Abeokuta)which means underneath the rock,There are native food includes Lafun(White Amala)and Ofada (Local rice) .

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They celebrate festivals like Egungun festival and Lisabi festival

1.Lisabi festival is celebrated in memory of a great warrior(Lisabi) ,who fought for the settlement of of the Egba land from the people of Oyo State.

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2.Egungun festival is celebrated to bond the people from the tribe together ,it involves masquerade displaying.

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2.Ijebu tribe-The people from Ijebu land sometimes have tribal marks on their faces. The native food of the Ijebu people is ikokore(Yam pottage).

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The people from Ijebu land celebrate festivals like Ojude Oba festival and ,Osuosi festival

I.Ojude Oba festival involves shooting of gun in the air and also involves riding of horse with different decorations on the body.

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2.Osuosi festival is celebrated to worship a diety called oso in Ijebu land.

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3.Egun:The people from Egun are not totally from Ogun state,some come from Badagry Lagos State also. The Egun people also speak a language called Gun,their native food is Pap and Stew.

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They celebrate festival called Izangbeto festival

The Izangbe festival is celebrated in memory of a great warrior of the Egun tribe called Tegbanrin.

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4.Remo : Actually this is the tribe I come from,and our native food is Ebiripo(Mashed cocoyam)

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They celebrate a festival called Ayee UGBOROWO festival which is always celebrated once in three years and it always celebrated on Good Fridays.

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The various traditional instruments used in my state includes 1.Bata drum:This drum is sometimes used to welcome a new king into his palace.

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2.Talking drum(Gangan)This a very popular drum common among the yorubas it is sometimes used to praise the name of a prominent person.

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3.Agogo:This is used by the town crier for passing an information to the people living in a village or town.

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4.Dundun is mostly used in traditional ceremonies,such as traditional wedding.

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Thanks for reading,Have a nice day🤗🤗

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Culture of my state. was published on and last updated on 23 Apr 2021.