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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Describe behavior with good manners in your culture.

Good day everyone,

Today I will be decribing how a person behaves with good manners in my culture.

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We have different tribes in Nigeria mainly Igbo,Hausa,and Yoruba,and they have different ways of life and culture,I belong to the Yoruba tribe so I will be speaking on Yoruba Culture.

First of all,if you are a man or a boy from my tribe you must always lie down flat go greet someone who is older than you,and as a woman you have to kneel down to greet an elderly person,which is a sign of having good manners.

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In the morning you say "Ekaro" in the afternoon you say "Eka-san",in the evening you say "Eku-irole" while in the night you say "Ekale".

Secondly,you mustn't collect something from an elderly person be it money or anything with your left hand,if you do this you might be insulted,or they might say your parents didn't teach you the appropriate hand to use when collecting something from an elder, you might also end up been corrected ,but they see it as a bad behavior.

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Lastly,you must never try to interrupt when two elderly people when they are talking or discussing,I believe this isn't right anyways ,but if you do this in my tribe you can end up getting slapped or they might report your bad behavior to your mum,and they will also tell her she didn't raise you well.

Thanks for reading,and have a nice day.

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Describe behavior with good manners in your culture. was published on and last updated on 23 May 2021.