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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Do we all believe in one God ?.

What I learnt from brother Eli's video

We human beings do not believe in the same God,not all religion worship the same God.

There are people whose religion prevents them for eating some certain food,while there are also people whose religion permits or allows them to eat whatever they feel like.

There are religions whose gods are different from the gods of other religions,there are religions who believe in Jesus Christ ,while there are some who do not believe in him.

The true God in the Bible was the God who spoke to Jacob, Abraham,Isaac,Moses,and Noah in the Bible. He was the one who spoke to the four fathers of faith in the Bible.

There are many gods other religions worship for example,in Hinduism,there are over thousands of gods they worship and also in Egypt there are about over 12 deities they worship.

The ignorance of people of the true God makes them serve the false gods. This was said in the book of Galatians chapter 4 vs 8 which says thou how be it then,when ye knew not God,ye did serve them which by nature are no gods .

So in a nutshell,we do not believe in one God because there are different gods which different people worship all over the world. But the true God is the one God in the Bible which was called the divinity.

I hope with all the things have stated I have been able to tell you that we human beings do not believe in one God but we believe in many gods.

Thanks for your kind gesture. May God continue to bless and guide you and may he also Grant you your wish.

To participate you can watch brother Eli's video in the link below:

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Do we all believe in one God ?. was published on and last updated on 04 Mar 2021.