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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Does it matter if am a Buddhist among many Catholics?

This video is in response to what I learnt from brother Eli's video

Hello my christian brothers and sisters,hope you are doing well?.

Today I will be explaining or talking about the question which says "Does it matter if am a Buddhist among many Catholics"

First of all,we are Christians and all we do is that we worship and glorify the living God.

Catholics and the buddhist do not worship God,the Catholics worship the idol of Mary while the buddhist worship the idol of Buddha.

Why worship the idol of Mary all because she is the mother of Jesus Christ,was it Mary that created you or what is it Buddha ?No,it was God who created you in his image ,and he is the only one you are meant to bow down for because he is your creator.

In conclusion,it does matter if you are a Buddhist or a Catholic but you are accepted into the house of the Lord .

Thanks for reading me.

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Does it matter if am a Buddhist among many Catholics? was published on and last updated on 30 Apr 2021.