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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Ecotrain QOTW -Who are the most relevant people of our time to you?,My entry.

Hello everyone,

My name is Sotubo Oluwajuwon,know here as @Jay-One.I am 17 years Old and a Nigerian.



Who are the most relevant people of our time to you?

When I was a kid,I had interest in watching movies as well as watcing W.W.E,then from all this I had my favourite celebrities ,some of them were Jackie chan (I believe every male kid during my time loved watching Jackie chan movies(the way he acts his funny ,his acting is just superb and amazing)and John Cena(I really loved watching him wrestle with the likes of De rock(Dwayne Johnson) and Batista ,he was my favourite wrestler (he isnow into acting) and yes I still like him even till now.

Getting to the the primary school,I started developing interest in football.i do watch many football matches and I followed so many of them my best footballer was lionel messi,he plays goof football and i love watching him play on the pitch, he receives different honors and awards ,he is just too good.

Now as a 17 year Old,I began realising some things that were useful to me,and can add impact to my life.Though I still have my favourite footballers and actors ,like Dwayne Johnson and Kevin de bruyne.But as for me these people haven't really affected me personally.

Joining the crypto there are people I have found relevant,one of them is the founder of hive ,Olivier Roussy Newton . I do check social media sites like Instagram and Twitter to watch celebrities lifestyle ,I do this almost everyday ,even at midnight,but after all I don't gain or earn anything from the sites,I just go there and and at the end of the day I won't earn a dime.I joined the hive blockchain two months ago ,and I can proudly say hive as helped me both financially and mentally.The witnesses who ensure the blockchain his regulary updated and improved ,as well as the users in it,are also relevant to me.

I don't know much about Elon Musk,I just know he is part of the richest men we have in the world today,but with the things I have heard and see i also think he has contributed to the cryptocurrrency world,and so I found him relevant to me.


Thanks for reading,and have a nice day.

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Ecotrain QOTW -Who are the most relevant people of our time to you?,My entry. was published on and last updated on 15 May 2021.