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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

EcoTrain Question Of The Week Season 6 #7: How do I feel in this moment?

Good day everyone,


How do you feel at the moment?


I feel happy at the moment,just waking up to see another day bring smiles to my face,and makes me say Thank you Lord".

But still am in a situation whereby I am having a feeling of loneliness,I have been staying at home for 6months, without gaining admission into the University,just pressing my phone,checking celebrities lifestyle on instagram and Twitter,I have also been trying to engage and check other people's post on the blockchain which makes me while away my time,but still I feel tired and bored.

At times seeing people get more votes than me on the blockchain makes me feel sad,and I at times I ask myself this questions ,what do difference do they make? Do they have two heads? but still this makes me wants to work harder and be the best I can be.

There are times I regard life as been unfair due to some certain things I am facing at the moment,but each time I remember that there are some people who are also wishing to be in the same position I am today, I just don't have any other choice than to appreciate what live brings to me.

With time I believe all will be fine,I will be re-writing my Jamb exams and hopefully I will be gaining admission into the University at the end of this year.


Thanks for reading,and have a nice day.

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EcoTrain Question Of The Week Season 6 #7: How do I feel in this moment? was published on and last updated on 27 May 2021.