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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

ecoTrain Question Of The Week Season 6#8: Should we have children whilst so many kids in the world are suffering?

Hello everyone,


Today I will be talking about the question "Should we have children whilst so many kids in the world are suffering?

Children are very important people in the society,they are to be cared for and showered with much love and affection ,they shouldn't come to this world just to suffer.

In the last few years we have been going through so many problems in my country,such as increase in poverty, Unemployment worsen, Inflation and all that which has made many children have to beg for alms or hawk stuffs on the streets.

When I look at the things going on in the world now,I just get discouraged from getting married not to talk of even giving birth.A world whereby people kill each other just for fun,a world where people don't care for one another.

I am too young to give birth,but I know bringing children into the world is a great responsibility ,but still I feel we should try as much to give birth to children we can cater for, children we can shower with love, children we can impose with good values, children we can provide with adequate education.

Nowadays I see poor people giving birth to many children while the rich people give birth to just few children,this isn't suppose to be so,as parents you should be able to provide for the needs of their children,Why give birth to so many children since you don't have what it takes to care or feed them.

We should still give birth to children regardless of all the calamities going on in the world today,but we should always remember to impose them with good moral values, influence them positively ,and try as much to help them fulfill and achieve their goals in life.

Thanks for reading

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ecoTrain Question Of The Week Season 6#8: Should we have children whilst so many kids in the world are suffering? was published on and last updated on 07 Jun 2021.