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Ethiopia gears up Covid 19 vaccines as first doses arrives into the country.


Ethiopia on Sunday received about 2.2 million of doses of vaccines against the virus in the country.

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The doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine manufactured by the serum institute of India, where allocated by the UN to facilitate vaccine access to poor countries.

Ethiopia has now recorded 165,029 cases of people with Covid 19,which make them the country with the highest Covid 19 cases in East Africa.

Over the last month,the Covid 19 cases has risen 12 percent on average each week, and deaths have risen by 37 percent on average each week ,according to Africa centre for Disease control and Prevention(Africa CDC)

Ethopia's vaccination campaign will initially target health workers ,as said by the health ministry senior advisor of the country Dr Mulekun Yohannes.

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The goal of the country is to vaccinate 20 percent of the country's roughly 111 million people by the end of the year.

So far Ethopia have not arranged for any separate vaccine shipments to supplement what covax can provide.

The country has recieve some offers for donation but none has been approved.

Thanks for reading.

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Ethiopia gears up Covid 19 vaccines as first doses arrives into the country. was published on and last updated on 07 Mar 2021.