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Fuji Music in Nigeria

Good day everyone,

Talking about fuji Music ,it's a well known music among the yoruba culture.Fuji music was initially called Ajiwere or Ajisari.Sari is what the yorubas call the food muslims do eat in the dawn during fasting period. So this music was initially played for waking muslims up during ramadan in Nigeria.

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But later on,Alhaji Sikiru Ololade Ayinde Barrister(who is regarded as the pioneer of fuji Music)changed the name from Ajiwere music to "Fuji" music during the 1950s and 60s.He got the name "fuji Music" from MOUNT FUJI in Japan.

The integration of Quranic references and ilusions in the lyrics of the music,combined with the use of Yoruba language ,and traditions musical instruments made the the music more popular around the Yoruba communities.

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Sahara drum

The fuji musicians make use of musical instruments such as Goje,Violin and Sakara Drum(a tambourine like drum which is usually beaten with a stick).Fuji music has evolved in a style and sound from one generation to the next.The sound of fuji Music is internationally recognized with the fuji artists touring this unique style of music for their fans all over the world.Fuji music is played at burial ceremonies,weddings, Installation of a king or his cabinet members,naming ceremony and so on.

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We have some fuji musicians such as Ayinla Killington,K1 De Ultimate,Adewale Ayuba e.t.c .These are people who have atleast contributed to the fuji Music in a positive way.They also sing songs that you would learn something important or meaningful from if probably you are familiar with the yoruba language.

Thanks for reading.

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Fuji Music in Nigeria was published on and last updated on 27 Sep 2021.