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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Hi from hive-My 7 months journey on hive

​Hello everyone,

Today I would be talking briefly about my journey and experience on hive for the past 7 months.


Before joining this great platform,I was fond of regularly checking social media sites like Instagram and twitter just to monitor celebrities lifestyle,the cloth they were and how they choose to live their lives. I do this almost everyday even at midnight ,but at the end of the day ,I don't learn something important or even earn a penny from visiting these sites .I joined the blockchain 7 months ago,and I am proud to say hive has helped me both financially and mentally.I have actually known about cyytocurencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum for a long time now. But as an adult and a Nigeria I never once thought,there could be a place or a platform where I could just sit down at home,and earn lots of money by just having my phone with data in it.

My journey on hive has been an exciting and amazing one.I joined Hive at the beginning of March this year and since then hive has been a vital and essential part of my life.Thanks to my cousin @adesojisouljay for introducing me to this great platform, guiding me in writing my introduction post , and providing me with details on how to post, how to keep passwords and how to earn money from my articles.


My first week on hive,made me feel like giving up and not bother posting on the blockchain anymore because I got downvoted on some of my posts after trying to get little reward on my posts and also I didn't get enough rewards as I expected on the post at that time,I explained this to my cousin and he told me to keep on posting and be consistent , because some days are good while some are rainy.


The first community ,I joined here on hive was the Bible readers community which I was introduced to by my cousin,I made and uploaded lots of videos in the community and I was opportuned to come across and get lots of upvotes from @theycallmedan,@fatimajunio and @hiro-hive.These people guided me,and also motivated me to keep on posting here on hive.


Later on, I decided to try a new thing and join a new community on the blockchain ,while on these I came across the bloggingchallenge community,where we were given lots of challenges and questions to answer.This community really helped me alot,as it improved my writing and blogging skills, through it I was able to know some hidden parts of myself and I also had the privilege to know and meet lots of amazing personalities on this platform.


Through this community ,I came across @ester-emmanuel application post to the newbies-iniative hosted by @startstings01 and @aliento .My newbie experience on hive was an amazing one indeed , because I had the opportunity to learn lots of new things and I also got to meet different newbies with positive mindsets and lots of great ideas.


I am blessed to be a part of this wonderful platform and I hope the community will keep on growing more and more with lots of users .Thanks to hive for changing and making me a better person.Thanks to those who have guided and have supported me so far.

This is my entry for the HI FROM HIVE Contestorganized by @livinguktaiwan

My code -[//]:# (!pinmapple 6.726211 lat 3.409868 long d3scr)

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

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Hi from hive-My 7 months journey on hive was published on and last updated on 12 Oct 2021.