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Hive power Up day

NTy4GV6ooFRmaCXZ8UYgPhoud1kjiNX8QokLEZtbBKLuLWQ9yt7K3o4Vt9evtKYdgbApHUiXbAki6KnszFH2cVukte92DVRLXig9TLW8cECnLA6zUKioQh5qg7bstsGD1z1Rf311Ez4Nj9UMPApo8KzUQF4PcWGP24W9cTVG.jpegFrom @traciyork

Hello Everyone,

This is my first time starting this hive power up initiative thanks to @princessbusayo she made me have interest in joining this excellent initiative.

Today marks the beginning of a new month,and as we all know every first day of the month is always regarded as the hive power up day,in order for hivers to power up their hive ,with a minimum of 10 hive.

So for his this great task,we were told by @traciyork to power up at least 10 hive.


I had only 2 hive in my account ,but luckily for me I had some hive in my roqqu wallet ,and so I decided to send it to my hive wallet,I also changed some of my Hive dollars to hive for me to able to power up.

Here is a proof of me powering up 25 hive



Thanks for checking my blog,Happy hive power up day to you allπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰.

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Hive power Up day was published on and last updated on 01 May 2021.