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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Hive surpasses 1 dollar once again.

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Recently the crypto market has been pretty appreciating has many coins have been growing massively .Shib inu increased by 85.48%,THETA increased 5.61%,DOGE increased by 10.59% while Hive increased by 55.8%.

Talking about hive, yesterday I checked the price of hive because I had some coins my wallet I wanted to trade in other to get some money I noticed the price was about 0.69$ I thought about it and decided not to sell those coins and left them in wallet.

Today,I woke up check the price again and to my surprise it's price has risen over 1 dollar,this really motivated me to do more and stake more hive tokens as I could see by the end of this year hive could ride up to 2$ rate. Though I know the price isn't stagnant and it tends to fall with time but still I believe hive is the future and with hive my future would be bright.


I have heard alot of people say the splinterland game has also contributed to hive growing massively and I would happy if someone could enlighten me more about the game and how to go about it

Thanks for reading.

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Hive surpasses 1 dollar once again. was published on and last updated on 06 Oct 2021.