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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

How do you influence faith to Christians?.

What I learnt from brother Eli's video

We should inculcate the mindsets of of our people with the words of the Lord in order for them to develop deep love for God and also for them to have faith in him.

The book of Acts chapter 26 vs 18 says that to open their eyes ,and turn them from darkness to light,and from the power of Satan unto God,that they may receive forgiveness of sins,and inheritance among them which are sacrificed by faith that is in me.

The duty of someone who claims to be the saint of God is to be able to open the eyes of his people and make them have faith and believe in God's words for them to be free from their sins.

The word of God is the light to human beings lives so therefore we should be able to inculcate the word of God in our people.

The book of James chapter 1 vs 21 says that Whe therefore lay apart all filthiness, and superfluity of naughtiness and receive the engrafted word with meekness,which is able to save our soul.

We should we willing to free ourselves from the the filthiness of spirit,filthiness of the mind and filthiness of the flesh as to be free from darkness.

The word is overflowed with naughtiness likes crimes,terrorism,broken homes ,extra marital affairs e.t.c

We need to stay away from all these bad deeds and hear the word of the Lord so as to receive his blessings and for him to free us from darkness.

To be good in the eyes of the Lord we need to hear his words,have and also follow his path.

So in a nutshell,in order to influence faith in our people we need to inculcate God's words in them and make them have faith in him and also make them have deep love for him.


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How do you influence faith to Christians?. was published on and last updated on 06 Mar 2021.