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How do you manage stress?

Hello everyone,

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Today I will be talking about the question "How do you manage stress"

First of all ,What is stress? Stress is termed as a feeling of emotional or physical tension.

You can get stressed out from thoughts or things that makes you angry, nervous or frustrated. When you get stressed up sometimes you get to finish your work on time by the agreed date .It also helps to prevent a person from unforseen dangers.

Stress can be harmful to the body as it can lead to fast flow of blood in the body ,it can also make a person starts breathing at an high speed which affects the body system.

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How do I manage stress?

1.I avoid thinking too much about some certain things .

2.I try to stay away from things that makes me angry or sad.

3.I avoid overworking my body system.

4.If I eventually get stressed out ,I try to drink cold water to calm myself down,then i try to take enough rest to relax my brain as well as my body system.

Thanks for reading me,and have a nice day.

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How do you manage stress? was published on and last updated on 18 May 2021.