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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

How do you react to ideas being introduced by other religious group (part 1 of 3)

Deuteronomy chapter 18 vs 22 says When a prophet speaks the name of the Lord,if the thing follow not,nor come to pass,that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken,but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously,thou shall not be afraid of him.

If a prophet speaks to his people and it doesn't come to pass or come to reality ,them no one should be afraid of such prophet because he is nothing but a false prophet.

Broelisoriano shared his experience with us,he said he met a philipians preacher in 1969 ,who told him that Joseph Smith Jun is a prophet of God,but because he believed in the scriptures ,he answered the preacher and said,that he can prove that Joseph Smith is not a prophet of God but a false prophet,the preacher became surprised.He then decided to read a pronouncement of Joseph Smith in the 19th century that didn't come to pass. Joseph Smith claimed that the New Jerusalem would be built on the Western side of the Missouri which wasn't true and also when Jesus talked about the New Jerusalem he never talked about it been placed in buildings but Joseph Smith said that.

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How do you react to ideas being introduced by other religious group (part 1 of 3) was published on and last updated on 06 Apr 2021.