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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

How does the Kingdom of heaven suffers violence (part 3 of 4

This video is in response to what I learnt from brother Eli's video

1st Corinthians chapter 1 vs 4-5 tells us that we are enriched by God in all utterances and knowledge. The members of the true church of God have the full wisdom of who God is ,and are enriched by him in all ways.

The Mormons as I said in my last post believe that the kingdom of God or throne of God will be moved to the Davao city in the new Jerusalem which will be the center of the universe. How is it possible for the throne of God to placed in a building made of cement ,wood or plastic .The paint of the wall of the building will still fade off and dry.They are going through the wrong path,and we must not also follow their believes.

The Kingdom of God mentioned my Jesus Christ is the rein of God in the hearts of Christians.Luke 17 vs 21 says Neither shall they say ,lol here or lo there for behold the kingdom of God is within you.The kingdom of God is the will of God been done by man from within the heart.

Revelation 21 vs 1-2 says And I saw a new heaven and a new earth ,for the first heaven and Earth were passed away,and there was no more sea .And John saw the holy city ,new Jerusalem coming out of heaven, prepared as a bride and adorned for her husband.

This means that the New Jerusalem will come from our Father ,and it will be a city filled with beauty.

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How does the Kingdom of heaven suffers violence (part 3 of 4 was published on and last updated on 31 Mar 2021.