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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

How should a Christian deal with Peer pressure?

This video is in response to what I learnt from brother Eli's;

Eccletsiates chapter 12 vs 1 says Remember now thy creator in the days of the youth,while the evil days come not,nor the years draw night,when thou shalt say,I have no pleasure in them.

In the days of our youth,before the evil days come ,we must serve our creator, because during our youth days we are prone to get influenced by our peers.

You are not considered an hypocrite,if you are a youth and you still go to church even under the influence of your peers,it is a sign that devote your youthful activities to God,but make sure you attend the true church which is the church of God,and not a Baptist or Catholic Church,or other churches that are not called in the name of God.

He also said that Catholic youths are not well oriented about the true teachings of the bible,Even those who are assigned as masters of the catholic church,have not known the real teachings of Jesus Christ,and as a matter of fact they don't even know the Bible.

Apostle Paul said in the book of Acts 20 vs 31 therefore watch and remember,that by the space of three years ,I will cease to earn everyone night and day with tears.

Without ceasing,Apostle Paul reached the brethren,warning the people night and day in tears

In a nutshell,as a Christian for u to be able to deal with Peer pressure,you need to serve and worship God,accept him into your lives wholeheartedly,and follow God's commandments.

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How should a Christian deal with Peer pressure? was published on and last updated on 16 Apr 2021.