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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

What is the proper way of teaching the children about the church (part 1 of 2)

This video is in response to what I learnt from brother Eli's;

Acts chapter 26 vs 18 says To open their eyes ,and to turn them from darkness to light ,and from the power of Satan unto God,that they may receive forgiveness of sins,and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.

The first duty of a minister of God,is to open the eyes of the people ,and take them away from darkness to light which is from Satan unto God,for them to be able to recieve forgiveness of their sins and also for them to have faith in God.

He also said we have about 3,000 youths aspiring to be workers for the gospel of God,and eye-openers always enlighten the youth to start acknowledging the existence of the Almighty and also serve God at a young age.

Eccletsiates chapter 12 vs 1 says Remember now thy creator in the days of the youth,while the evil days come not,nor the years draw nigh,when thou shall say ,I have no pleasure in them .

There will be Evil days after our youth,and so we need to serve God and also shouldn't wait for the evil days to come because in the later days of life,a man would no longer have pleasure in serving God.

In a nutshell,for you to be able teach the children about church you first need to inculcate the mindsets of the children with God's words,make them have deep love for God,and also make them have interest in serving God.

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What is the proper way of teaching the children about the church (part 1 of 2) was published on and last updated on 18 Apr 2021.