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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

How to attain forgiveness of sin

What I learnt from brother Eli's video

There are many people all over the world who commit sins some due to temptation while some people due to the kind of situations they find themselves in.

When we commit a sin unknowingly over and over again throughout our lifetime then God is ready to forgive us for our sins.

In the Bible Peter asked God in the book of Matthew chapter 18 vs 21,he said my lord,how often will my brother sin against me and I continue to forgive him a seven times and the Lord answered him and said,not even a seven time but a seventy x seven times which is 490 times.

These means that God is willing to forgive you for the sins you committed unknowingly for as much 490 times.

We should also be able to forgive those that offends us unknowingly for as much as 490 times to.

But these doesn't mean you should continue to commit a sin over and over again of your own free will or keep on offending people out of your own free will.

In the book of hebrew 10 vs 26 the Lord said,for if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth,there remain no more sacrifice for sins.This means if you commit a sin of your free will and you have knowledge of the truth then you will have an answer for it .

In a nutshell,you can commit sins unknowingly throughout your lifetime and you will be forgiven by the almighty.

I hope with all the things have stated I have been able to enlighten you on how to attain forgiveness of sins.Thanks for your kind gesture. May God continue to bless and guide you.

To participate you can watch brother Eli's video in the link below:

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How to attain forgiveness of sin was published on and last updated on 03 Mar 2021.