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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

If money wasnt a problem, where in the world would you live and why?

Good evening everyone,

I will be talking about the question "if money wasn't a problem where in the world would you love to live and why"

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If money wasn't a problem, i would love to live in U.S.A(United States of America).

America has been my dream country right from the time i was a kid,and i would love to live there because its a safe and an ideal country to live in,they have a very effective law enforcement agency which leads to reduction in crimes. Its a country you could live peacefully.

I would also love to live in America, because its a very beautiful and a fully developed country,my senior brother and my dad have visited america many times,and yeah the good things and amazing things they told me about america makes me want to also visit the country someday.

Lastly,i would love to live in america to go study medicine at the university level ,and hopefully i would become a professional doctor who saves the lives of people.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

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If money wasnt a problem, where in the world would you live and why? was published on and last updated on 22 Aug 2021.