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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

In Matthew 17 chapter 1-5 was Matthew in the mountain with Jesus

This video is in response to what I learnt from brother Eli's video

1st John 1 vs 3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you,that he also may have fellowship with us:and truly out fellowship is with the father,and with his son Jesus Christ.

Actually Matthew wasn't on the mountain with Jesus Christ ,it was only Peter ,James and John that were on the mountain with Jesus.

But the truth is that an information can be written when it is heard and not seen or when it seen but not heard,and so the things Matthew wrote down in the book we the things he heard or the information he gathered from the three disciples that were in the mountain with Jesus Christ.

Also,Evangelist Luke didn't witness the incident but be wrote down a similar thing to what Matthew wrote in this book.

Luke 1 vs 1-3 (KJV) Foreasmuch as many have taken in the hand to set forth in order for declaration of those things that are most surely believed amongst us . Even as they delivered them unto us,which from the beginning were eyewitness ,and ministers of the world .It seemed good to me also ,having had perfect understanding of all things from every first ,to write unto thee in order ,most excellent Theophilus.

And so,they were not wrong for writing an incident which they didn't witness or see , because they wrote what happened based on what was told to them or what they heard.

Thanks for reading me.

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In Matthew 17 chapter 1-5 was Matthew in the mountain with Jesus was published on and last updated on 29 Apr 2021.