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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

In the book of Matthew 17 vs 1-5 was Matthew on the mountain with Jesus(part 2 of 2).

This video is in response to what I learnt from brother Eli's;

What Luke wrote in the book of Luke 1 vs 1-3 was for Theophilus who was a fellow non-isrealites, because Luke was also not a Jew,but he didn't just write out of his own will be wrote what Jesus commanded him to write.

1st corinthians 14 vs 37 If any man think himself to be a prophet , on spiritual let him acknowledge that the things that I wrote unto you ,are the commadments of the Lord..

The bible tells us that apostles don't write from their own will,they write what the Lord commanded then to write,and Matthew is an apostle ,and as an Apostle is a witness of Christ,and so for Matthew to also be a witness of Christ he must also write though he didnt witness the incident ,but he write what he heard from James, Peter and John.

Apostle peter also confirmed or agree to what Matthew wrote in his gospel.

2nd peter 1 vs 17-18(KJV) For he received from God the father honor and glory ,which he came such a voice to him front the excellent glory,this is my beloved son,in whom I am well pleased. And this voice came from heaven we heard when we were with him in the Holy mount.

It isn't a must for the apostles to write what they heard and seen,the can either write what they heard but they didn't see,or what they see and didn't hear.

Also,the Apostle wee obliged to write what they heard from Jesus Christ or what they heard from other apostles in other to complete the story.They can also write from the information they gathered from eye-witnesses.

Thanks for reading.

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In the book of Matthew 17 vs 1-5 was Matthew on the mountain with Jesus(part 2 of 2). was published on and last updated on 29 Apr 2021.