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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

INITIATIVE: Swimming with whales by @jay-one

Hello everyone,


Today I will be participating in the iniative by @mayvil which says "Swimming with whales"

Whales are the most powerful users on the blockchain that can give high vote value.

1.Do you have a favorite whale. If yes , explain why.

I haven't really seen many whales on this great platform since I joined ,but from those I have seen I can say my Favourite is @theycallmedan.

He is my favorite whale because right from the time I joined this blockchain,he has been supporting me ,now he still supports me ,but only that he is also my favourite whale because I appreciate the fact that he decided to join the Newbies-iniative program, which helps new users to grow and acquire more knowledge on the blockchain.

2.If you could be a whale what would be the first thing you will do?

First of all ,I will be happy and overwhelmed.

Then,I will use this opportunity to show appreciation of support those who publish quality posts with good write up, beautiful images, great stories e.t.c

Also I will also introduce a project or an iniative for new users on the blockchain,and then support those who post quality content amongst them.

3.Being a whale would you support any community or project within the blockchain or would you only support users who create content on a daily basis?

Yeah,I would support different communities ,also I will contribute massively to the @aliento's project for supporting new users on the blockchain,this is something I have really benefited from and so I will also use this medium to also make other new users benefit from the amazing project.

4.Which users do you consider to be the next dolphins in our blockchain?

I joined the blockchain in March ,and eversince then I have been following several users on the blockchain ,and I have seen them grow massively on hive,also they put more effort in their posts,and they also always put hardwork ,dedication,and perseverance in all they do.

They are: @kemmyb @zeesh and @tripode

5.Would you like to be part of a project or community? - If the answer is yes, please explain why.

Yeah,I would like to be a part of the Movies and Tv shows community.

I am a movie lover,and so when I take time to watch some movies,I will then use the use the opportunity to write movie reviews and post them in the Movie and Tv shows community,so as for people to find interest in the movies,go watch the movies,also for them to be able to learn something important from the movies .

This is something I haven't started yet,but hopefully I will start soon.

6.What do you enjoy most about Hive for constantly creating content?

I love hive because It allows you post anything you want on your blog,also I like the fact that there are series of activities that you can choose from or have interest in.

It also helps to bring out the best in you,and helps you improve your creativity,and it also helps you improve the way you think and relate with people.

7.Do you have any advice for current or future whales?

The current whales should keep on supporting those who post quality content on the blockchain , also they should delegate hp to some other projects so that they can also be supported and create a chain of support and union.

Also,if you are not yet a whale on hive, I advice keep your head up and give in all your best,who says it's impossible? The most important thing is to never compare yourselves with other users , because when you start doing this ,you will get discouraged also you might not be able to achieve your goal of becoming a whale on hive.

8.Mention those projects that support you the most and tell us what you like the most about what they do.

Right now,I am a member of @aliento's project which involves helping newbies who would want to grow more on the blockchain,also to provide great support for them.

The iniative has greatly contributed to my growth here on hive,and through it I have been able to learn and achieve alot of things

9.If you were not in a pandemic, would you like to participate in a meeting in your current city or country?

Yeah,I have had the opportunity to meet some people here on hive who live in my country as well as my town, through them I was able to also know some important things on hive,also I share my experiences with them on hive,as well as how hive hive as really helped me.

10.Take a picture of yourself indicating a number from 0 to 10 to participate in the drawing that we will hold on June 10th.


I invite @projectmambg @mrenglish @maryjacy @merit.ahama and @esther-emmanuel to also participate in this great contest.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

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INITIATIVE: Swimming with whales by @jay-one was published on and last updated on 01 Jun 2021.