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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Is the bible final and complete? and how does it support science(part 1 of 4)

This video is in response to what I learnt from brother Eli's video

Even the before Jesus Christ was born,there was already compilation of the scrolls,that were been read in synagogue.

Luke chapter 4 vs 16-20 tells us that Jesus went to synagogue on the Sabbath day ,on getting there he was handed the book of Prophet Isiah ,he read the scrolls and handed the book back to the minister.

This implies that there where ministers during the Jewish culture that took care of the bible.

The book of Luke chapter vs 1-3 tells us that Luke was involved in the compilation of the bible,he compiled some parts of the New testament.

Although there where Christians in the Constantine that took effort in compiling the scrolls by taking care of declarations from eye-witnesses.

In a nutshell,the bible had been in existence before science,but it talks about science.

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Is the bible final and complete? and how does it support science(part 1 of 4) was published on and last updated on 15 Mar 2021.