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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Is the bible final and complete?and how does it support science( part 3 of 4)

This video is in response of what I learnt from brother Eli's video

Scientists where not able to discover virus for a very long time,but it was already in the Bible.

The plagues science termed virus was already in the Bible, God sent plagues upon the Egyptians,when they decided to disobey him and not to follow his path.

Deuteronomy chapter 26 vs 61 says also every sickness,and every plague,which is not written in the book of this law,then will the Lord bring upon thee,until thou be destroyed.

Scientists discovered in 1935 that when a baby lacks vitamin k and prothombin it leads to coagulation of blood which is also excessive loss of blood,this scientific findings is already in the Bible.

Genesis chapter 17 vs 11-12 tells us that God told Abraham to circumcise is seeds ,which are his children on the 8th day they are given birth too,for the child to be in a good state.

There is nothing that was discovered by man that is not in the Bible.


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Is the bible final and complete?and how does it support science( part 3 of 4) was published on and last updated on 17 Mar 2021.