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LEARNANDEARN Contest Week #25 -What did you learn this week?

Good day everyone,

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Today,I will be participating in a contest "What did you learn this week ? Hosted by @jizzyjoe, thanks to her .

This is a contest that involves summarizing what you were able to learn from some other authors in the Hive blockchain during the week .

Learning never stops we keep on learning new things everyday ,if we focus and we choose to learn.

These are post's that caught my attention this week.

Number 1.


My first selection is a review of a movie that @starstrings01 presented to us titled Snow Queen 2 He talked about the movie in a brief and the lessons that can be learnt from the movie.

.We should learn to speak the truth at all times because lying doesn't make things get better but rather it makes things get worse.

. We should do the right thing always and we should also learn to own our errors.

Number 2.


In this post @zeesh talked about how to practice positivity in life,and he gave some tips. .Don't be friends with people that makes you feel negative thing's and reminds you of negative thing's

.Push your mind to think something postive even when negative things grabs your mind.

.Work on reducing the negative impacts on your life with postive talking, thinking and acting.

Check this post and find ways to practice positivity in your everyday life.

Number 3.


In this post @kemmyb did a review about a novel titled the idea of you she narrated the story and I was able to learn something from it .

Which was ,Never try to judge and criticize other people for the decisions they make and the way they choose to live their lives.

Frankly speaking,@kemmyb is a good writer and a reader because I found the book interesting . Thanks for sharing the details about the story .

Number 4. 26uUsAjKTsXCNFSuKAd9tYYWsuCbL15CAETivdMVVWq9pm5PpUmhGkUVgQW6WpajHZFMTRMcpEaSX4hdUbuLAm4yc7M7JY7tBissPnKVRQu53zSysWjE8aNfSDPgZddbdDfzPfgrdLHKwBp4eqEw7LmmQCpny4pUr8EsY2.jpeg

In this Post ,@taskmaster4450 gave his opinion about 10 things that wouldn't be in existence anymore by the year 2035.

He made mention of Printers, Physical keys ,Car dealerships,Bank branches,Screens,Smartphones ,Toll booths e.t.c.

I invite you to go read this publication to also grab an information from it .

Number 5.


Doesn't this looks nice ?

In this post @albarosaced talked about how to make a nice shark with waste materials.She made use of silicon,Marker,Foam,sciccors, Paperboard and cardboard for making the shark .I mean reading through the steps she took in making the shark was amazing and awesome.

You also want to know how to make a nice shark for yourself ? then go check her post here

The images used were gotten from the authors post.

I will be inviting @maryjacy and @mrenglish to also participate in this great contest.

Thanks for reading me,and have a nice day.

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LEARNANDEARN Contest Week #25 -What did you learn this week? was published on and last updated on 19 May 2021.