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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Major Mayhem 2

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After the success of the first Major Mayhem game ,the newest game in the Major mayhem series is Major Mayhem 2 which was designed by rocket jump games.

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Major mayhem 2 is an offline game that can only be played by one person. The game is about a major and his girlfriend that was on vacation and were attacked by evil villians ,the major has to stop the evil villians from launching a death missile in the moon to save his vacation.

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The game consists of two characters which is the major and his girlfriend. There are 19 outfits in the game ,3 for the female character and 16 outfits for the male character.It is fun, easy to play and also stress free, but it is more difficult than the first major mayhem because of the constant barage of missiles,grenades and fast projectiles, sometimes all at once.

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What I like about the game is that it has many weapon options like knife ,arrow ,banzookas and other rifles and after each game you will be awarded boxes containing weapons and coins. The game itself is interesting ,there are 150 missions to be completed in the game and you will be fighting with 5 bosses in the game.

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The game is all about dodging ,rescuing hostages,and attacking enemies,the game is like that of Rambo and predator in the 1980s where muscled men chased bad guys with big guns and often end up topless in the final battle. In order to collect more rewards in the game you need to make sure you kill all enemies in each level of the game and avoid killing your hostages.


What I don't like about the game is that the female character of the game doesn't have many outfit I would have liked.

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The graphics of the game is nice,colourful and it has great animation the game has low ,medium and high graphics , you can switch the graphics of the game to your satisfaction.

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Gameplay Screen recorded by me Screen recorded by me

I hope you like this game.I will advise you to pick yourself a copy of this game,I rate the game 9 out of 10.The last update of the game had fixed target score for final boss,bug fixes and optimisations.

Thanks for reading.

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Major Mayhem 2 was published on and last updated on 13 Mar 2021.