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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Mass indoctrination of The 7th day

Ephesians chapter 4 vs 32 (KJV) And ye kind to one another tenderhearted , forgiving one another even as God for Christ sake hath forgiven you.

We should always be kind hearted ,give food to our enemies,and also do what we want other to do to us.

Do you want to be forgiven by God then you should learn to forgive others,do you want to receive then give.

It's God commandment to always love our neighbors as ourself,and so you should be able to love your enemies ,no matter how many times they offend or try to harm you.

Matthew 22 vs 37-39 says Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all my heart,and with all thy soul,and with all thy mind.This is the first and great commandment.And the second is like unto it,Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.

We should always learn to to be considerate to our fellowmen,relate with them,and also love them as we love ourselves

It is also prohibited to file charges against your fellowmen in court,the doctrine of Christ is to forgive one another ,love one another then while file charges against your brother in court?

If you have issues with your fellowmen then you should be able to solve it amicably,and not quarrel or take each other to Court.

We should always be ready to help the needy, which is the doctrine of love. We should always learn to love those who are not members of our family,or members of the church we attend. Love is not spoken,it is always demonstrated through works and words.

Hebrews chapter 13 vs 1 says Keep loving each other as brothers do not forget to entertain strangers ,for by doing so some people have entertained angels without knowing it,keep your lives free from the love of money and be contented with what you have,bacause God has said Never will I leave you,never will I forsake you.

Always try not to dishonour your fellowmen,and always let things go ,If you have love then you will take no account of evil. It is love that will reign not only for a day,love should always abide in the brotherhood.

Ist Corinthians 3 vs 15 says It does not dishonour others ,it's not self seeking,it is not easily angered,it keeps no record of wrongs

Lastly,we should always remember that the first commadment given to us is to love our Creator which is God,and then we should love our fellowmen.

Thanks for checking my post 🤗🤗.

You can also join the next mass indoctrination ,so as for you to be able to hear ,learn and abide by God's words

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Mass indoctrination of The 7th day was published on and last updated on 23 Apr 2021.