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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

My Cryptocurrency experience!

Hello everyone!

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My Cryptocurrency experience initially started when I joined hive about 7 months ago.

I"ll be quite honest in stating that I didn't know nothing about how Cryptocurrency works,how it's valued ,or whether it's even real or not. Though before I ventured into cyytocurency I have heard lot of people talk about Bitcoin, how it has been growing rapidly and all of that but I have always been scared to invest my money in them as I thought it was just a scam. But sooner enough,I met this lovely friend @kesolink he enlightened me more about cryptocurency and @adesojisouljay who introduced me to the Hive world.

Joining hive has been a blessing in disguise,Hive enlightened me more about cyytocurency and what it entails.Through hive I believed cyytocurency is actually real and not a scam and with cryptocurrency a man's future can be bright.

After 2 months I joined Hive and I already made some Hive tokens ,I gave it a thought and I decided to sell some of my Hive tokens and add the money to the money I make from the trade to invest in other cryptocurencies. At that time I wasn't still really aware of how cryptocurency actually works,I thought if it's increasing then it's not going to decrease anymore.

So I downloaded an app called roqqu app this app actually shows the price of the coin in Naira,i went through app and that period was when Binance coin was increasing rapidly,I noticed this then I decided to also invest in it .I felt on top of the world at that moment and I was amazed with the way it was increasing rapidly.

Well it went quite well,then later on it just decreased from about 400,000 naira for 1 Binance to 200,000 naira this time I was shocked and almost had an heart attack,I wasn't aware it was called dip at that time.I got angry and without wasting time I sold it immediately and I lost alot of money and then I used the the little amount of money I made from the trade for some other important things.

Last month,my brother transferred some money to me,then I made use of my credit card to purchase Euro on a Swiss bank account which I transferred to and used that to buy 969.8 Xrp(Ripple) which I kept in my crypto wallet.


In Conclusion,am currently holding just two cryptocurrency which are Ripple and Hive,with time I hope to invest in more.

Well that's my Cryptocurrency experience,Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

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My Cryptocurrency experience! was published on and last updated on 17 Oct 2021.