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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

My earliest childhood memory

Hello hivers💞💞,

Today I will be talking about my earliest childhood memory.

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My earliest childhood memory was a time when I was 13 I told my big brother I needed phone and so he told my sister to give me the phone she was using and he got her a new phone,I could remember the phone was a Techno Phone, I became obsessed with the phone , I will refuse to sleep at night and I also refuse to do household chores all because of the phone ,then my mum got fed up ,and she reported my silly behavior to my brother,my brother became furious and decided to come visit us .

He visited us on my birthday,I was happy all because it was my day, suddenly he came to me and told me to choose between the phone he gave me ,and my school fees , because he was the one paying my school fees that time due to some reasons,he told me to choose wisely ,and because I was already obsessed with my phone I decided to go for the phone over my school fees ,he said okay and as he was about to take his leave ,he saw that I was blaming my mum for the incident that happened,he came collected my phone and he smashed it on the floor,after doing all that he grabbed me and beat me up with his belt ,I cried my eyes out and my mum couldn't bare it anymore,she begged him but he refused.

He beat the hell out of me , so my mum decided to reach out to a woman living close to our house ,to stop him from beating me,she came and pleaded with him, fortunately for me I was able to somehow escape from his hands ,I ran out of the house with my bare legs,looking back and I noticed he had boarded a bike,and started chasing me,I ran into a Catholic church,and I noticed he wasn't after me anymore,I stayed there and i went back home in the evening. Thats was how I celebrated my birthday in tears.

Yeah that's my earliest childhood memory,I hope you enjoyed reading me. pBMyo3B2Sao45kGEB1kRY9cJBFGQnrPp2qChGHkgVjzu1y6XFCd4yc3V5ZnrbLjPixgenQFLESwQg7vDnJzR6hVHwvYnwLgA9CBW5nJmFjz9UUW4Zj5QBiLTWyHjixoFsrSGRL8cjSUcEn5kAfSMjMQNQoXVjxnUz6F64TiRDihLaR7L.jpeg

Thanks for checking my blog,have a nice day ahead.

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My earliest childhood memory was published on and last updated on 02 May 2021.