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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

My experiences in secondary school

Good evening everyone,

Today I will be sharing some of my experiences in the secondary school.

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Sincerely speaking throughout my stay in the junior secondary school, I was very calm and brilliant but on getting to see I became a totally different person ,I became friends with some guys who were never serious with their studies , students who were always stabbing classes. So sha I joined a clique of about 4 unserious students and we always sat at the back of the classroom. We were always fond of disturbing the class and making jest of teachers when they perhaps make a mistake or probably commit blunders.

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I was always punished by my teachers ,for maybe not doing assignments,or for incomplete notes. I was punished severally by my maths teacher ,he was an old man but he knew a member of my family ,so he always liked to check my notes every class sessions and asked for my textbook which I already misplaced back then,so he punished me several times it's either he gives me a portion of grass to cut,or I squat of stool down for several hours.

Were you ever robbed?

I schooled in a boarding school where they were many students,and in my own hostel they were about 75 students all boys .Thy were times where my money was stolen,books and provisions were stolen.There was even a time whereby I sneaked a phone into the school and it was stolen.

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Boarding school is a place whereby you would be taught not to be careless ,if I could remember there was a time in ss1 my mum visited me in school on a Sunday which was a visiting day,and she brought me alot of food items like Milo,Milk,Sugar and so on. Then after she left I kept both the money and my provisions in my locker and I padlocked it.On getting to my hostel at night,I noticed someone had already opened my locker and has stolen my money and my provisions without leaving a penny,this really got to me,I placed a curse on whosoever stole my things ,and I was broke for about some weeks.But still couldn't find the one who stole them so I just forgot about it.

I was never the class favourite because I wasn't used to answering questions in class,and I was always quiet so as to avoid been asked questions by the teacher,I was also always fond of stabbing classes ,my notebooks were never complete and wer always tattered.You could check my english note and at the middle of the note you could find some things in there like footballers and their country,but I became all this just when I got to ss3.

Let me leave the bad side and talk about the good ones. I was the best student in business studies for jss1,best in biology for ss1 and was also the best student in yoruba for jss2.This were moments where you would happy to be called up on stage amongst your classmates to receive a prize for your hardwork.I also represented my school in events like drama presentation and I was also good at defending so I went for football competitions as a defender back then in school.

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My experiences in secondary school was published on and last updated on 20 Sep 2021.